Science education is crucial in a young child’s life – it offers an opportunity to explore the world and to inspire innovative thinking. According to the State of Science Index, most people agree that scientific careers are worthwhile, but the lack of science education creates significant barriers. Science teachers across the U.S. need resources to encourage the next generation of scientists. 3M has partnered with to help teachers innovate and bring science to life in their classrooms. We want you to join us in supporting teachers to motivate students, especially those who are underrepresented in STEM.
For the past five years, 3M has partnered with nonprofit organization to help support math and science initiatives in over 2,000 schools across the country. If you choose to donate, a new tab will open in your browser and you may give to a real classroom project using
Ready to have a stake in the future of STEM equity and opportunity? You can also take a closer look at the classrooms we’ve impacted together.
There are many opportunities to be a science advocate. Click the button to search for STEM classroom projects and make a donation.