With the 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Multi-position Upper Body Warming Blanket
The new 3M Bair Hugger Multi-position upper body blanket’s unique bendability feature was inspired by the clinician’s need to optimize patient body surface coverage in order to help maintain normothermia and drive positive patient outcomes.
Degrees Matter when it comes to maintaining normothermia and positive patient outcomes. That’s why the new 3M Bair Hugger Multi-position upper body warming blanket bends and conforms while providing uniform temperatures.
Key Benefits:
• Engineered to deliver improved heat transfer in a wide range of surgical procedures1
• Bends and conforms while providing uniform temperatures
• Offers optimal patient body surface coverage2
• Engineered to provide minimum loftiness
• Offers fast and easy application; Suitable for perioperative use
1. 3M data on file.
2. 89% (72 of 81) of clinical users indicated the product off¬ers optimal patient body surface coverage. 3M data on file.
Bair Hugger Multi-position Blanket Sell Sheet
Bair Hugger Multi-position Blanket Positioning Guide
Bair Hugger Multi-position Blanket Application Steps