Clinical research shows that maintaining a patient’s core body temperature before, during and after surgery can help reduce the risk of surgical site infections and other serious complications. Explore the information below to learn more about the importance of maintaining normothermia.
This course reviews the causes and consequences of unintended perioperative hypothermia and discusses conducting a temperature review; best practices, and challenges.
This course describes the significance of perioperative hypothermia and identifies strategies for infusing evidence-based practices for the prevention of perioperative hypothermia.
This course covers current practice of intraoperative thermal management. In addition, organizational aspects of modern perioperative thermal management are addressed, along with the successful introduction of a prewarming concept in daily routine.
This course identifies potential adverse patient outcomes associated with unintended perioperative hypothermia and explains why prewarming is beneficial in the prevention of unintended perioperative hypothermia.
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